icon/port aps
Ternevej 4
3300 Frederiksværk
Phone: +45 7020 7658


Privacy Policy
How we use the information that you provide

icon/port collects information provided by users of the site in a database that icon/port uses to generate follow-up messages for icon/port's use only, and to sum up statistic reports concerning users of our site for icon/ports use only. icon/port does not presently sell the information contained in the database of information collected from users to any third party and does not currently make any other use of such information.

For questions or comments concerning this policy, please contact us at:


icon/port aps
Ternevej 4
3300 Frederiksværk

Phone: +45 7020 7658
E-mail: tell.me@iconport.com

Identity Naming / Positioning
Branding signals Web development
Packaging Motion graphics
© 2005 - 2010 icon/port. Terms of use / Privacy policy